tommy Gesell


Common sense horsemanship


1:1 Coaching

If your horse is in training at Gazelle Equine, Tommy will not send them home with you or your trainer without a series of lessons on your horse, making sure you and your equine partner are speaking the same language.

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Gazelle Equine occasionally offers horses for sale and is happy to facilitate the sale or purchase of your horse.

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Equine Training

Tommy offers a wide range of training services for you and your horse. Whether it’s working with a young or not-so-young horse to establish a strong foundation, helping you get to know a new-to-you horse, taking a horse back to basics, or inspecting your horse for areas of improvement in its foundational training, Tommy is eager to help.

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Depending upon availability, Tommy can be available for individual farm calls, clinics, or other events.

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Intuitive, Fair, Common Sense
Guidance for YOU & your horse.

Tommy Gesell Horse Trainer Ground Driving in Round Pen

Horsemanship from the ground up.

The young horse

Tommy believes that the foundation of all horse training is rooted in the basic principles of Dressage. His goals for your horse are balance, suppleness, and self-carriage, as well as versatility and malleability for future endeavors.

Target Specific Goals Regardless of Age

During your horse’s tenure at Gazelle Equine, Tommy is happy to discuss any specific areas of concern or specific goals you have with your horse.

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